Just a little part of His Grand Story.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Be Still & Know

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You are God when the earth is removed.
You are God when the mountains are carried away.
You are God when the waters roar.
You are God when the mountains shake.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You were God when I was born.
You will still be God when I die.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You are God in times of plenty.
You are God in times of harvest.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You are God in times of killing...whether that is the dying to self, the dying of dreams, the death of unborn babies or conflict among countries. You are still God.
And You are God in times of healing. You are Jehovah Rapha, the Healer. You heal disease. You mend relationships. You restore my soul.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You are God in times of brokenness.
You are God in times of restoration.
You are God in times of weeping.
You are God in times of laughter.
You are God in times of mourning.
You are God in times of dancing.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.

You say, “Be still, & know that I am God.”
You are God in times of casting away stones.
You are God in times of gathering stones.
You are God when I’m not even sure what that means.
You are God in times of embracing.
You are God in times of refrain.
You are God in times of gain.
You are God in times of loss.
The Lord gives & the Lord takes away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

You are God in times of keeping.
You are God in times of throwing away.
You are God in times of tearing.
You are God in times of sewing.
You are God in times of silence.
You are God in times of speech.
You are God in times of love.
You are God in times of hate.
You are God in times of war.
You are God in times of peace.
You are God regardless of how I feel.
You are God regardless of what I do.
You are God regardless of my circumstances.
You are God regardless of where I am.
You are God regardless of what people say.
You are God even in my foolish pride.
You are God when I humble myself before You.
You are God when I am distracted.
You are God when I am focused.
You are God when I am weak.
You are God when I am strong.
You are God when I am alone.
You are God when I am in community.
You are God when I am tired.
You are God when I am abounding in energy.
You are God when I am indifferent.
You are God when I am enthusiastic.
You are God when I fail.
You are God when I succeed.
You are God when I doubt.
You are God when I live by faith.
You are God.
You are on Your throne.
The Alpha & the Omega.
The Beginning & the End.
The same yesterday, today, & forever.
He who was & is & is to come.
You will be exalted among the nations.
You will be exalted in the earth.
What have I to do but worship & adore You?
What have I to fear?
The Lord of hosts is with me.
The God of Jacob is my refuge.
A good God.
A holy God.
The one true God.
With me.
In me.
Changing me.
Loving me.



Inspired by Psalm 46 & Ecclesiastes 3

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