Just a little part of His Grand Story.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I Believe, Help My Unbelief

Seems contradictory, does it not?
In Mark 9, a man comes to Jesus because his son has an evil spirit that causes convulsions and often made him fall in water and fire. The man says to Jesus, "If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."
Jesus' response? "'If you can!' All things are possible for one who believes."
The man cries out "I believe! Help my unbelief!"
One might think that Jesus wouldn't because this man's faith is so small and seemingly fragile.
But what happens? Jesus heals the boy.

Jesus does encourage the man to have more faith. But he also honours the man's honest plea: "I believe, help my unbelief".  It is not that we are amazingly strong and faithful and therefore we deserve for Jesus to move in our lives. Jesus is amazingly strong and faithful and when we come to Him in our desperation and are honest about our struggles He will strengthen us. It is not that He always chooses to heal physically. But when we say "God, I believe but my belief is imperfect. Help!" He will.

I wasn't really intending to blog today, but it popped into my mind, so maybe I need to be reminded! In my greatest struggles, what I need to do is fall before the Lord with what little faith and strength I have and be honest about my weakness and struggles, and ask for His help.

I wrote this poem when I was accepted to Life Action but I did not have my voice back. But I knew God was able and I knew He was guiding my steps and pointing me that direction, and yet I was having trouble acting in faith and trusting Him. So the only thing I could do was acknowledge my belief, but also how frail it still is, and then say "God increase my faith!".

Do I believe You're Almighty?
Do I believe that You love me?
Do I believe that You cherish the future I can't see?
Do I believe that You will not fail to bring Your name the glory?
For if so, why do I hesitate to walk in that belief?

If I believe You're the Life, You are the Truth, and You're the Way
And I believe You are sovereign even when I am afraid,
And I believe You will honour all the promises You make,
Then there's nothing left for me to do but trust You and obey.

Do I believe You're Almighty?
Do I believe that You love me?
Do I believe that You cherish the future I can't see?
Do I believe that You will not fail to bring Your name the glory?
For if so, why do I hesitate to walk in that belief?
I believe; Lord help my unbelief!

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