Just a little part of His Grand Story.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lions & Tigers & Heirs....Oh My!

A whle ago, Mom & I went to went to a free zoo ("free" and "zoo" may be one of my favourite word combinations).
I was in awe of God, the brilliant Creator. I don't know what it is about animals, but they capture my attention and my heart and spur me to worship the One who made them.
I'm pretty sure I could have spent a couple hours watching a giraffe walk in circles. (If I were to assign a hashtag to that last sentance it might be: #thatsstrangebutImokwiththat)
From the humourous Kenya Crested Guineafowl (a bird with a mohawk!) to the resounding roar of the lion, no would could rightly accuse God of having no imagination.

And in the evening, He nudged me.
God's animals are very beautiful, but it was mankind that was the climax of His creation. It is mankind that was made in His image. It is the sins of man that Christ bore on Calvary. It is mankind from which God elected & adopted heirs. It is people that have souls. And do I marvel at this masterpiece of His? I cannot say that I do in the same way. We don't see those animals everyday, but we see people, so it becomes commonplace.

But it shouldn't.

Each individual uniquely reflects our Lord. Each individual desperately needs Him. And we are called to love.
But indeed, it's something I am only beginning to learn how to do.

What about you?
My prayer is that we would love people and see them as God loves and sees them.
Not just our family, or our best friend, or the person who has a lot of money, connections, or emotional validation to offer us in return, but the foe, the poor, and the difficult too.
May we have an eagerness to discover the ways individuals reflect their Maker, and the courage to find out.

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.

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