A few weeks ago, I went to see Taylor Swift with some lovely friends of mine. I'm not a big concert goer, but I was incredibly pumped leading up to it, thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to go again. (Dancers, aerialists, pyrotechnics, and some of the numbers were like mini-musicals, and we know how I adore musicals)
But this post isn't about Taylor Swift.
In fact, it's not even about me (though I am in parts of it).
I was in a rather peculiar mood on the drive home. I don't think my friends noticed because they were screaming songs at the top of their lungs (you guys are hilarious!). I was deep in thought. I imagine the rush of performing like that would be exceedingly high. Because goodness! The fun I have just cleaning house while dancing around and singing into a broom is already fantastic! I love music. It must be incredible to stand in front of a huge crowd and have them cheering for you.
50,000 people applauding one person. The energy in the room is crazy. But can you imagine that many people and abundantly more exalting the Creator of the universe and the Saviour of my soul? WOW!!
As I said before, I was pumped for the concert. I looked forward to it each day. I savoured each moment. I thought about it when it was over. I am probably sounding a tad obsessive.
But what if we spent every moment consumed by God?
What if...
We spent every moment exalting His name instead of lifting our soul to another?
We looked forward to spending time with Him, yearned to be with Him, lived each day to the fullest for His glory, eagerly awaited the day when we see His face?
And that's not something we'll have to be content with just reminiscing about when it's over. He never ends. His love never fails. He is enough.