Just a little part of His Grand Story.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


 I came across a poem I had written a long time ago (in grade 10 if I remember correctly) Reading it reminded me once again, that as a follower of Christ we must die to our old selves - our selfishness & sinful desires and ask God to change us to be like Him. It is a challenge. Following God isn't easy and sometimes our emotions and fears pull us in directions other than living selflessly and entirely to the Lord. Christians can be full of a lot of talk, I won't deny that. But I want my life to be more than words. I want my life to truly be wholeheartedly given to God. Perhaps the poem would have been better titled "When" because God does call us to surrender our will to His and to trust Him when we face struggles that will inevitably come.

Could I do all that You've called me to do?
If I face struggles and hardships
Could I accept the fact that You know what you're doing?
If I face a difficult decision
Could I choose what is right over what seems easy?
If Your plans for me are not my own
Would I follow them or fight to get my own way?
If You ask me to step up,  or stand back, or speak up, or fall back on You
Could I do that?
If You ask me to say yes or urge me to say no
Could I say "ok God"?
If You ask me to give my very life
Or suffer immensely
And cling to You at all costs
Could I do that?
Could I honestly do that?
I guess the more appropriate question is
...would I?
Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
But only if I am willing.
I've heard it said to take up your cross and follow God,
I'm sure I've said it myself before,
But saying things and going through with them
If and when the time comes 
Are sometimes contradictory
Could I follow through with what I say?
...Would I?
Because only if I would
And if I must I do
May I truly say my love for You is genuine.
Make me willing Lord
Make   me    willing